Monday, April 16, 2012

Weathering the storm poem

(I'm not sure who the author is)

Weathering the Storm

Posted January 6th, 2010 by poetmaster____

A Red Poppy basking in the radiant sun

Sees deer and rabbits hastily run;

They sense a storm in the breeze

And race for shelter under mighty Oak trees.

Sure enough the clouds do burst

And human complexions look their worst;

The anger of the clouds in the skies

Is reflected in the mood in their eyes,

And sighs are breathed once again

As Man and animal feel the force of the rain.

Spare a thought for that Poppy in the field

No roof or umbrella gives it a shield,

And yet, there it so boldly remains

Facing the full fury of summer’s rains.

Even so, it still stays intact –

Bowed, but unbroken, from that tempestuous act.

A hidden strength belies what is seen

On the surface of this pitiful scene.

Wonder you may, if it will raise

Its lovely head for more summer days;

Will it regain its former glory,

And live to tell of a success story?

With humankind it’s much the same –

We face ferocious storms, never tame.

Economic hardships and failing health

Overtake many, with lion-like stealth.

We stand our ground, unable to flee –

Shaken to the root by adversity,

And yet, although we bend, we do not break,

We continue faithful, for the Lord's sake.

Daily our hope, spurs us on,

Making our courage, ever strong;

No fretful frowns wrinkle a forehead,

Our faith gives the foot, a confidant tread.

It’s practically a miracle to see

Someone standing strong, with tenacity;

Although he may appear weak and frail

A surprising strength tells the tale.

Faith grows stronger, all the more

As each onslaught we so endure,

And our hope grows brighter, each day,

As skies turn blue, that once were grey.

In time, like that Poppy after the storm,

We lift our faces, and hearts feel warm;

Stronger and dignified, proudly standing tall

We’re a beacon of bravery to one and to all.

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