Thursday, December 29, 2011

I Am

I am your mother but I can't tell you how to have a great relationship with your father; but I can show you how my relationships are nurtured.

I am your wife but I can't tell you how to have a great relationship with your sons; but I can only suggest to choose love over anger.

I am your daughter but I can not tell you to cheer up when you can no longer do the things that you so enjoyed doing; but I can sit and laugh with you and cry with you.

I am your friend but I can't tell you how to be a good friend; but I can only show my loving friendship to you.

I am your sister but  I can not fix your heartaches and pains; but I can show you my love and say a prayer for you.

I am a child of the God of Abraham, the mighty One.  I put my trust in Him because He CAN do all things! But I can not choose for you to trust Him, however you can.

Geri L. Phillips

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I Love You More

I love you mommy" he said. "I love you more" said I.

So on we challenged with love and game, and on did the years go by.

Toddler became an adolescent and adolescent became the teen.

Patience, understanding and sacrifice were harder than it had seemed.

But what a special blessing each year that brought some pain;

along with that came lessons not only to him, but to myself did gain.

I learned a lot about myself, that I had never known.

I learned that I had convictions and that I had seeds to sow.

In keeping with my convinctions I found myself on rocky a turrain,

That is with him who did not understand the reasonings and believed all I said was lame.

But I will be strong in my convictions and my voice shall continue to be heard;

no matter if he thinks unfair, wild, crazy or absurd.

Because the truth of the matter, and this is indeed the score...

The truth is I will be there if you fall, and as always, I love you more!

written by Geri L. Phillips

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Beauty Within

I wish you could see the beauty within,

I wish you could see what God does, my friend;

Inside you heart where the Spirit dwells,
Has been covered by lies that the enemy tells;

Lies of who you are and who God designed you to be;
Yes lies that you believe. How I wish you could see!

Before you speak lowly of yourself,
Do me a favor. Put that enemy on the shelf!

Put in its place, the light of the Lord;
Do not live another day by the sword.

Careful the words that you say,
For they have much power much to your dismay.

Be kind to yourself and to others you meet;
Delight yourself in the Lord and soon you will see.

Be obedient in God and forgiving, you see;
For this is truly what allows you to be set free.

On this journey that we call life,
There will always be some trouble and strife.

But take comfort in knowing that even though we all have sinned;
That God’s promises are true, and the Light shone the beauty within!

Written by Geri L. Phillips; March 23, 2011

Live like God intends and like everyday is your last!