2 Corinthians 4:6 For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. Please send me your prayer requests; I will be happy to pray with/for you!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
Friday, February 24, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Celtic Prayer

God to surround me,
God in my speaking,
God in my thinking.
God in my sleeping,
God in my waking,
God in my watching, God in my hoping.
God in my life, God on my lips,
God in my hands, God in my heart.
God in my sufficing, God in my slumber
God in mine ever living soul, God in mine eternity
Friday, February 17, 2012
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Who says?
Friday, February 10, 2012
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
My Friend Henry - A different kind of love story
MY FRIEND HENRY (by Geri L. Phillips)
He stood outside our house wearing grey pants that were held up by suspenders, and on his head, an old grey hat. In his hand he held a stick that had a nail on the end of it, used for picking up trash. He had grey whiskers, and he was very tall and dark. A scary sight for me, that is until he became my friend.
"Henry! Hi Henry!" I would call from the back doorway of our house.
"Hi Geri Lynn" he would answer, not even pronouncing my name correctly.
I didn't mind how he pronounced my name, in fact, I even liked it.
"I'll be right out" I would say. He just smiled big and his deep and dark eyes seemed to sparkle. I would spend every day with my friend Henry. I followed him everywhere, helping him pick up trash or raking the leaves. In my grandmother's West End Grocery store I would sit and visit with him while he took his breaks. We talked about anything that I wanted to talk about. Sometimes he sat on a bench inside the store resting. I was right by his side absorbing all the attention I could get from him. Often he would reach into his pants pocket and retrieve a quarter and give it to me. This was usually followed by a request to fetch him a grape soda.
When Henry wasn't working he sat with me and we visited. I entertained him by riding my tricycle or hula-hooping. His laughter and the joy in his tired eyes indicated that he seemed to enjoy my company just as much as I enjoyed his.
Henry's wife, ironically named Henrietta, was inside making beds or washing dishes and I always knew how to find her.
"Henrieeeeeeeta" I hollered.
"Yoooohoooooo" she answered in that pretty tune of hers.
One day while working outside in the heat, Henry became ill. I saw him at a distance by the warehouse as he collapsed while trying to sit down on the steps. I ran to him in a panic to find out what was wrong. He did not look so good, so I ran inside the store to get my mother and big brother. They brought him inside the store where it was much cooler. I stayed with my friend, wiping his face with a cool rag and helping him drink his water until he was all better.
Once I went to Henry's house, which was an old shack down the road. They had chickens and a pin in the back with turkeys. Inside there was an old wood burning stove to keep them warm in the winter and to cook their food on. I noticed that they did not have a restroom like ours, it was and outhouse. I had never seen such poverty before and I wondered how those to could always be so happy.
As I grew older, so did Henry. My mother told me one day that he died. Sometimes I think about Henry and Henrietta. I hope they knew my love for them. It didn't matter the color of their skin and it didn't matter that they lived in an old shack. What matters most is the love that we shared. In fact, they were not poor, they were the richest people I knew, for they had the love of each other, the nature to love others, and the love of the Lord.
My friend Henry, you taught me that the greatest gift from God is the gift of love!
© copyright 1999 written by Geri L. Phillips
He stood outside our house wearing grey pants that were held up by suspenders, and on his head, an old grey hat. In his hand he held a stick that had a nail on the end of it, used for picking up trash. He had grey whiskers, and he was very tall and dark. A scary sight for me, that is until he became my friend.
"Henry! Hi Henry!" I would call from the back doorway of our house.
"Hi Geri Lynn" he would answer, not even pronouncing my name correctly.
I didn't mind how he pronounced my name, in fact, I even liked it.
"I'll be right out" I would say. He just smiled big and his deep and dark eyes seemed to sparkle. I would spend every day with my friend Henry. I followed him everywhere, helping him pick up trash or raking the leaves. In my grandmother's West End Grocery store I would sit and visit with him while he took his breaks. We talked about anything that I wanted to talk about. Sometimes he sat on a bench inside the store resting. I was right by his side absorbing all the attention I could get from him. Often he would reach into his pants pocket and retrieve a quarter and give it to me. This was usually followed by a request to fetch him a grape soda.
When Henry wasn't working he sat with me and we visited. I entertained him by riding my tricycle or hula-hooping. His laughter and the joy in his tired eyes indicated that he seemed to enjoy my company just as much as I enjoyed his.
Henry's wife, ironically named Henrietta, was inside making beds or washing dishes and I always knew how to find her.
"Henrieeeeeeeta" I hollered.
"Yoooohoooooo" she answered in that pretty tune of hers.
One day while working outside in the heat, Henry became ill. I saw him at a distance by the warehouse as he collapsed while trying to sit down on the steps. I ran to him in a panic to find out what was wrong. He did not look so good, so I ran inside the store to get my mother and big brother. They brought him inside the store where it was much cooler. I stayed with my friend, wiping his face with a cool rag and helping him drink his water until he was all better.
Once I went to Henry's house, which was an old shack down the road. They had chickens and a pin in the back with turkeys. Inside there was an old wood burning stove to keep them warm in the winter and to cook their food on. I noticed that they did not have a restroom like ours, it was and outhouse. I had never seen such poverty before and I wondered how those to could always be so happy.
As I grew older, so did Henry. My mother told me one day that he died. Sometimes I think about Henry and Henrietta. I hope they knew my love for them. It didn't matter the color of their skin and it didn't matter that they lived in an old shack. What matters most is the love that we shared. In fact, they were not poor, they were the richest people I knew, for they had the love of each other, the nature to love others, and the love of the Lord.
My friend Henry, you taught me that the greatest gift from God is the gift of love!
© copyright 1999 written by Geri L. Phillips
Little Reminders (by Geri L. Phillips)
When I’m a little defeated, and inadequent feelings are lurking around
I am reminded to stop a moment and know that in You, I am found.
At times I feel like talking and there just isn’t a friend in which to confide;
Just then you remind me that You are there to listen and You listen with Your arms open wide.
When in my disappointments, hurts and silent tears;
It is You that reminds me that you are my friend throughout my years.
Yet, still these feelings come and I begin to feel a little blue;
I reach out for help, help that I can only get from You.
Then there it is in a gentle breeze or a butterfly passing by;
Or a ladybug that lands on my cheek, or a beautiful sunrise in the sky;
Or in the melody of a bird singing high on a rooftop,
As if he were singing just for me, and as if he will never stop.
These are just some of the little reminders that make me stop in awe;
To know that I am loved and cared for and that you will catch me when I fall.
Thank you Lord for loving me and for the little reminders!
When I’m a little defeated, and inadequent feelings are lurking around
I am reminded to stop a moment and know that in You, I am found.
At times I feel like talking and there just isn’t a friend in which to confide;
Just then you remind me that You are there to listen and You listen with Your arms open wide.
When in my disappointments, hurts and silent tears;
It is You that reminds me that you are my friend throughout my years.
Yet, still these feelings come and I begin to feel a little blue;
I reach out for help, help that I can only get from You.
Then there it is in a gentle breeze or a butterfly passing by;
Or a ladybug that lands on my cheek, or a beautiful sunrise in the sky;
Or in the melody of a bird singing high on a rooftop,
As if he were singing just for me, and as if he will never stop.
These are just some of the little reminders that make me stop in awe;
To know that I am loved and cared for and that you will catch me when I fall.
Thank you Lord for loving me and for the little reminders!
It is that time of year again when the red breasted robins gather in their happy go lucky ways! |
Monday, February 6, 2012
Thursday, February 2, 2012
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